Thesis/final report work

We provide thesis/final report opportunities in the central cooperative and in local OP cooperative banks. You can ask them directly about the needs they have.

Concerning thesis/final report opportunities in the central cooperative, please send your application via the application link below. Please send your application well in advance before the planned starting date of the job. Please enclose your CV, preliminary research plan and schedule in your application. The more clearly you can specify your research subject, the more effectively we can assess thesis/final report opportunities for you. 

We will contact you about further measures, if any. We are unfortunately unable to provide all applicants with the opportunity for thesis/final report work.


As a rule, the central cooperative provides students with internship positions in the form of summer jobs and trainee jobs. You will get an excellent start to your career supported by experienced co-workers in Finland’s most attractive financial services company. You can find additional information on the job opportunities and the periods for application on our summer recruitment site and OP Kiitorata site.

You can also ask about summer jobs and internship positions directly at local OP cooperative banks.

How is it like to be a trainee at OP?

“I am studying industrial design at the University of Lapland, but during my Master’s studies I have concentrated more on service design. I was nearing the end of my studies. For some time, I had been looking for a traineeship where I could observe service design in practice. I was aware that OP has invested in design expertise during the past few years, so when OP had a vacancy for a service design trainee, I filed an application with enthusiasm. The best thing about the six-month traineeship period was that I could be part of a competent, ambitious team that has taught me a lot. I also feel that the highlights of my traineeship were that I gained experience of the financial landscape which was completely foreign to me, and that I observed how the design process works in the large company that OP is.

I am especially pleased with my induction which gave me the confidence to participate in various projects. At first I was a helping hand for service designers, but later on I was given more responsibility as I gained more experience. What I liked about my traineeship period was that the work was versatile and every day was different. One day I was interviewing customers, and another day I was planning a workshop for employees. The entire traineeship period was a memorable experience and I am grateful for everything I learned at OP. During my traineeship, it also became clear to me that service design is what I want to do for a living, also in the future.”

Annina, Service Design Intern