Data Scientist Nelli Kemi: "The most memorable thing about Kiitorata was all the joint events where it was easy to get to know the other trainees"

For Nelli Kemi, Kiitorata provided practical learning experiences and a sense of belonging to the other Kiitorata trainees. The trainees were also offered a lot of peer support and help.  

Hi Nelli! Please briefly tell us about your educational and work background. 

I studied information technology at LUT University in Lappeenranta, Finland. My studies focused on software development, and my master's studies also focused on sustainability topics. I graduated as a Master of Science in Technology towards the end of the Kiitorata program. Before Kiitorata, I gained experience as a web developer for about two years. 

What role did you start in, and what kind of tasks and projects did you get to do? 

I started as a Data Scientist trainee. I got to work on a couple of POCs (Proof-of-Concepts), meaning developing and testing new solutions for using data for internal purposes at OP. The tasks included project planning, data handling, and coding. The tasks were independent, but I got to participate in projects and work with experts from different areas. This gave me a good understanding of the importance and purpose of the projects, and I understood their backgrounds well. It was fascinating to work on these topics when I could dive deep into them. 

What did you learn from the Kiitorata program? 

The trainee period taught me many practical skills for handling, combining, researching, and presenting data. I also learned to justify my views more convincingly, be confident in my results, and plan my tasks more independently. 

What was the best or most memorable thing about the Kiitorata program? 

The best thing about Kiitorata was the program structure and joint events. The joint program made getting to know the other trainees easy, and staying in contact with them came naturally. Although everyone's tasks and personal development differed, it felt like we were all in the same boat. My most memorable joint event was a day at the amusement park Linnanmäki. 

What message would you send to someone considering applying to Kiitorata? 

Apply if you're even slightly interested - even if the tasks or job titles don't fully match your experience. This program offers promising opportunities to learn new things and deepen your skills in familiar topics. In the Kiitorata program, the trainees get a lot of support, as there is a lot of peer support available, and colleagues always help when needed. Us Kiitorata trainees were very well received, and the experience was certainly not wasted on any of us! 

Thank you for the interview, Nelli, and good luck in your career!