OP Cooperative Banks

OP cooperative banks owned by its customers

OP Financial Group, owned by its customers, is Finland’s largest financial services group. We have Finland’s most extensive and diverse service network. More than hundred independent and local OP cooperative banks provide customers with extensive banking and insurance services for household and SME customers, agriculture and forestry customers, and the public sector. Some banks also offer insurance and OP Koti services. Learn more about OP cooperative banks here.

The mission of the OP cooperative banks is to promote the sustainable prosperity, security, and wellbeing of its owner-customers and operating regions. OP cooperative banks use their profits for the benefit of their customers by providing loyalty benefits and other financial benefits and by maintaining and developing their customer service resources.

Our operations are based on cooperative ideals, a strong capital base and capable risk management.  As financial services providers owned by their customers, we have not only our business role but also a significant social role – OP Financial Group has been building Finnish society for nearly 120 years.

Career opportunities at OP cooperative banks

OP cooperative banks offer various career opportunities, depending on the bank’s services and size. A customer advisor and service advisor working in the customer interface are the most typical roles in the banks. Our advisors ensure that our customers get a first-class service and the best solutions for their different needs. Our professionals working with customers help them with many matters, such as daily banking, financing and investing services, both face-to-face and through electronic channels. In addition to these, OP cooperative banks have different managerial and executive positions, such as sales manager, finance director or credit director, as well as bank manager. Depending on the bank, there may be several different roles of which most are in administration and/or marketing.

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Sommarpraktikant, Vasa Andelsbank
Sommarpraktikant, Vasa Andelsbank Vaasa, FI 12 Österbotten
12 Österbotten Vaasa, FI Sommararbete